Invest In Your Organization’s Most Valuable Assets.

When employees, who are essential to an organization’s innovation and growth, experience chronic financial stress as a result of destabilizing family life-cycle expenses, businesses of all sizes feel the strain.

StorkFund is the first-of-its-kind employer-sponsored savings benefit, combining high-yields, investment opportunities, provider discounts, and withdrawal oversight, to maximize your contributions and meaningfully drive your organization's success.

Arrival + Preparation

Fertility + Medical

Leave + Flexible Working

Care + Enrichment

Future Security

Enable your employees to easily secure a range of essentials, including:

  • Cribs, bassinets, and other nursery items
  • Diapers, wipes, bags, and changing tables
  • Breastfeeding, bottling, and lactation supplies
  • Strollers, car seats, and other vehicle modifications
  • Baby clothing, proofing and home safety gear
  • Adoption procedures and related preparation


Help your employees welcome their bundle of joy without financial stress.

Enable your employees to easily fund a range of medical expenses, including:

  • Fertility, diagnostic, genetic, and neurodiversity testing
  • Sperm and egg freezing, as well as procedures relating to IUI, IVF, and ICSI
  • Deductibles, co-pays, and prescriptions (for their families’ mental and physical health needs)
  • Lactation, doula, and night nursing support
  • Surrogacy procedures and related preparation


Help your employees access medical care with minimal financial strain.

Enable your employees to easily fund a range of leave scenarios, including:

  • Funding all, or a portion, of their or their partners’ FMLA maternity, paternity, or adoption leave
  • Providing full or partial funding for extended maternity, paternity, or adoption leave for them or their partners
  • Offsetting the reductions in your household’s income which result from their or their partner’s need to request flexible work or part-time arrangements to accommodate their child-rearing responsibilities.
Help your employees work flexibly without absorbing financial pressures.

Enable your employees to easily fund a range of services, including:

  • Nannies, au pairs, caregivers, and daycare centers
  • Pre-schools, nurseries, and education programs
  • Before- and after-school care programs and emergency and drop-in childcare
  • Tutors, holiday and academic camps, and performing arts and athletic classes
  • Back-to-school expenses, including uniforms


Minimize your employees’ care expenses and help your employees return to work and remain engaged.

Enable your employees to easily secure their child's future, including:

  • Funding a 529 Savings Plan, the most common and tax-optimized way to save for a child’s education, including elementary and secondary education
  • Funding an Education Savings Account, a common and tax-optimized alternative to save for a child’s education
  • Funding a Custodial Account to manage investments or savings on behalf of a child
  • Funding a savings accounts


Help your employees maximize their child’s financial future.

By offering StorkFund as a benefit, and supporting your employees' financial needs, you'll have the opportunity to fuel the engines powering your returns and enhance your organization's performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers.

How is StorkFund different from existing employer-sponsored savings benefits?
How does Stork approve and distribute family life-cycle withdrawal requests?
How much will I contribute to my employees' StorkFunds each month?
Will StorkFund integrate with our existing payroll system?
Can StorkFund be tailored to fit our organization's needs?